Copywriting in Southampton

Engaging Copywritten Content

Copywriting Research

Research is a copywriters best friend and the very first thing to carry out before creating any content.

Our expert copywriters ask a series of questions such as what are you looking to achieve and why? We research your company in depth to gain a deeper understand about your brand, tone of voice as well as the value proposition you are communicating.

We research your customers to understand who we are writing to and what it is that will make them engaged and listen to our message. We also investigate your products and services in order to understand features and benefits as well as develop USPs (unique selling points) and ESPs (emotional selling points) within our content to convince readers to buy what you are selling.

Finally, we research your competition and marketplace to understand what else is out there and what crucially makes your company, products and services different and better than the rest.

SEO Copywriting

Great copywriting is great copywriting, whether it’s in print media or online. Nevertheless, the fundamental rules of great copywriting: clear, consistent, concise and engaging content – are even more essential online for the search engines.

Moreover, with the recent changes in Google’s algorithms, it is even more challenging than ever for copywriters to produce engaging content for readers whilst also satisfying Google’s stringent requirements in order for web pages to be found and ranked in the search engines.

The best performing websites now have regular unique and engaging SEO copywritten content since Google hates duplicated text. It is a bit like writing an essay for University, you simply cannot plagiarise and get away with it anymore! Therefore the days of writing one good article and simply copying and pasting it all over a website have long gone! Google has wised up and therefore so must businesses.

Engaging Content

Research shows readers skim read websites, so copywriters have to make text snappy. Furthermore, copy should be broken up into short paragraphs in order to make information easier on the eye to read and therefore more engaging. SEO (search engine optimisation) has certainly made life more complicated for copywriters. All of a sudden, businesses want ‘keywords’ in every sentence, regardless of how the copy flows.

Nonetheless it is important to remember that copywritten content should always be written for the customers who read it, not just for the search engines. Therefore it is about striking a balance between the ‘keywords’ required for the Google robots and organisations SEO strategy and weaving them skilfully – and naturally – into consumer friendly sentences for the enjoyment of the reader.

Expert Copywriting

For a good example of excellent copywritten content why not re-read the paragraphs above. Unsurprisingly the keyword in this page is ‘copywriting’! We specialise in the combination of copywritten content and graphic design creation delivering the very best in marketing and PR materials.

Copywriting Southampton Hampshire

Key Facts

Quality SEO Copy 100%
Researched Key Terms 100%
Understanding Your Market 100%
Engaging Content 100%
Improved Conversions 100%

Copywriting Services

Research Your Industry

We thoroughly research your industry, products, services and target market segments. We also analyse your competition in order to help you gain a competitive advantage online.

Understand the Reader

We ensure our copywritten content is engaging for your readers which is why we learn about your target market segments before we start.

Research Your Organisation

We learn about your company, organisational culture and mission to gain a true understanding of your brand, values & tone of voice when communicating your value proposition.

Expert Copywriting

We create expert copywritten content from our team of highly experienced copywriters. We write SEO copy as well as copy for printed media.

Research Keywords

We carry out detailed keyword and key term research in order to identify the words and phrases with the highest amount of traffic from your target market before we write online.


We write SEO focused content and featured articles for your blog on your website as well as guest posts on forums and relevant websites.

Copy Writing Prices

SEO Copywriting

Per Month
  • Key Term Research
  • Weekly Blog Articles
  • On Page Optimisation
  • Link Building

Printed Media Copywriting

Per Project
  • Brochures
  • Press Releases
  • Posters and Flyers
  • Brochures and Magazines